Saturday, March 12, 2005

At last

Phew. Well that was hard work, but I finally managed to get it all done. I have now qualified as a Master Artisan. Which means I've got a license to make my own Speederbikes! Maybe I'll present one to my Benefactor as a gift. It's a start.

While I was finishing off my practical work in the camp last night, I witnessed the inspiring sight of a Jedi fighting a number of explorers and such. It wasn't quite awe-inspiring though - the Jedi seemed to spend most of the time running away. Having said that, they were still alive after 5 minutes, and that's not bad with 4 people firing blasters at you.

So - next job is to see if I can find any more high quality Flora Food for the boss, and mine enough metal to make him a Speederbike. Should only take a few days. :-s