Saturday, March 26, 2005

Normal service has been resumed.

Spent a very pleasant week away from work for a change. Went North on Corellia, to the mountains and swamps. Strange looking places. Crystalline pools, giant fungi, and huge arches. Also visited a cave used as a base by the indigenous population.

I was thrilled to see, when I came back, that my mineral and chemical extractors had pulled out loads of ore from the ground. So I've just been sitting in the Civic Hall of Ravendale on Naboo, crafting Droid parts for my next level of qualification. By my calculation, I should now be on my way to the one above that. Just got to break at some point and visit Theed so I can pass the test.

Had to swap locations of some of the extractors as well as they had exhausted the local supply. My surveying tool told me that the best place for Steel at the moment was in the middle of a camp of huge hermit spiders. Not the biggest aradchnoid fan at the best of times, I crept up, masked my scent, and placed 5 pieces of equipment, configured them all, and was on my way before any could spot me (and before I ran away). Think my fear stems from that time I hid from my school class in the dark cave, and ended up with an infestation of crabs on my arm. The school nurse threatened to shave my arm bare if I didn't pick them all out. Haven't liked them since.